My class pun full until nite..s0 i try harder t0 find s0me space f0r my self..thanks G0d I have a really happy g0od lucky rumates f0r dis semester..we can talk all such g0od and bad things 2gether..! haha..
They r s0 nice..Mila,Fara n Ifwah..
Kalut tol nk raye..Orang pose tak penuh mane buleh raya...hahahha
minah rempit
ainul :: xpenah lagi la org p0se xpnuh xraya..huhu
Bidud :: duk lam UM mmg kene jd minah rempit..slalu jer jem..mau tensi0n naek kete..setengh jam lewt masuk class pun ader..haha
apedehal..UM xg kls pn xpe
bkn mcm udm kuantiti ckit lec knl
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