I have to go back home or not?
Balik ke x? balik ke x? uhuhu...
Still thinking that I should go back home or not..ermm actually last week i'm already go back home and so surprise when i saw my home last week..huhu u noe wat it became small than before and we did not have any living room??hmm mak..mak..nk umh cantik pnye psl..hehe actually my house is under renovate now..my mum la..asyk nk perabot br jer so my dad t'paksa add some space and built a new living room..(kg house so kecik ler)
Balik umah mggu lepas mmg agak meletihkan coz ak balik naek bus..besenye my dad or mum fetch me at hostel but on that day both of them quite busy with their work..tu la mak..kalu belikan kak long kete kan tak adalah kak long kene naek bus camni..uhuhu (lam ati jer)..umah mmg sunyi giler..yela, my bro xblk coz p camping so yg tggal di umah 2 juz me, my dad n my mum..three of us..=/ nak jd perkara yg mentensionkn ak adalah apabila ak sedr yg ak bwk balik laptop n broadband but ak t'tggl bateri and charger lptp kat hostel..daMn!! buat bert jer galas bag lptop..=/uhuu.. so hari2 yg berlalu kat umah mmg membosankan..next day, ak temankan mak p shopping,she needs to buy new shoes and handbag to go to Brunei and Sarawak..sume nak baru..iissshh3...
My mum's flight is today..she will go there about 1 week and just my dad alone at home..pity him..so, i don't noe whether i must go back home or not..ermm hopefully my bro will back home this week to accompany my dad..
i have a lot of works to do here (hostel) and the MOST important thing is PROPA..uhuhu..
chaiyok2 jalilah!!!
date line to pass up PROPA just less than 4 weeks..(am i rite?) hmm..
so,,don't back home????
~darling..I NEED U..mis u..=)
i have a lot of works to do here (hostel) and the MOST important thing is PROPA..uhuhu..
chaiyok2 jalilah!!!
date line to pass up PROPA just less than 4 weeks..(am i rite?) hmm..
so,,don't back home????
~darling..I NEED U..mis u..=)
jgn balik..
betul la tu trikh propa tue..
sy blik terpaksa..
sory jalilah..
tgu sy neh..
caiyok kite wt propa bertiga...
propa2..buat tueh.jgn malas.hahah
dear chenta,,
eh,,xpe2..propa so far ok jer..slow2 la kite siapkan..
sy xblk umah dh kot..
hi zanetti,,
yela..duk buat PROPA la nih..
mmg tgl tak smpi sebulan pun lagi dateline propa,you know.so mmg kene struggle la siapkan seme tue,you know.huhuh.
bingung palie...
perli tu...
dat words..
plz don't mention dat thing kays..aaarrrghhh!!!
come on..we can fight wit PROPA!!
hehehe =)
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