Sunday, 23 December 2012

My December-back to normal


Already December huh? Serius, cepat masa berlalu. That means dah hampir 2 bulan aku melalui alam pekerjaan yang mana banyak pengalaman baru yang aku perolehi. InshaAllah lagi seminggu kite akan melangkah ke tahun baru iaitu 2013. Most of us teruja untuk ke tahun itu termasuk aku. Berdebar, takut, gembira semua ada.

Sejak kebelakangan ni banyak benda yang berlaku in my daily life. Banyak yang berubah, dan serus aku rndukan zaman bergelar seorang pelajar! It's quite bored if did the same things everyday wokeh. Erm but life must go on and this is the reality that we need to face.

Last week me and my love involved in a small accident and till now  i cant wear jeans or any pants coz of my knee injury. Seriously i felt so difficult to choose what kind of attire that i want to wear to the office. Skirt, dress, baju kurung are my bestfriends lately. It's comfortable but pergerakan rasa sedikt terbatas and  it took me so long to iron and mix and match snce aku tak banyak skirt and dress. Rimas plus pening okay!

Now, i'm planning for my future saving which is every month i broke my saving! Lets start next year? :) Azam tahun 2013 gitew. ok, checked!

till then, bye.


p/s : segalanya yang berlaku pasti ada sebab dan hikmah disebaliknya, kepadaMu ku berserah. Miss our old memories..

1 comment:

intaq said...

jaa accident mano? patot tgk gmba keto jaa supo kepek jah tepi, ko taq silap tgk.....