K0lej Kediaman Ungku Aziz, Universiti Malaya..
Sunway Hotel Resort and Spa..
3 April 2010
me, y0ung but n0t glam0r0us 0ke! hehe..
me wit giles simple attire g0ing t0 dinner..sume 0ld skul..huhu..i telah melaburkan sgala fulus i dlm satu pelaburan jgka masa pjg yep..dat's y n0 new dress et 0ll...wanna n0e wat? back t0 my old entry..hehe
psstt : can't wait 2c his new l0ok!! +_- met my mum, alhamdulillah she's fine. she flew t0 Cambodia yesterday,hav a nice trip there!
mmg meriah...
mmg meriah...
jaa..nmpk simple n humble je..nice2
maintain the identity of gdis mlyu...yeaaaaa..hehe
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