i'm quite busy lately with a bunch 0f assignments,sp0rt n my daily r0utines.
0kay,actually by dis weekend i supp0se t0 be in Malacca f0r my research but unf0rtunetly it was canceled at the las minutes. everyb0dy busy! *sigh*
s0, f0r dis weekend i think i need t0 c0mplete all my assignments n d0 s0me revisi0n on Physi0logy and Coaching subjects.
i have 4 days break.
0wh,i need t0 shop!!!!
new sh0es~
awlnyer wat revision..uhuhu
damn it. I love your shawl!!!! nakkkkkk jgak. mane beli kakja
SMART je masa rambut panjang..hmm.. =(
Jaa..just see u in tshirt..btol2..dress make us look more polite..taq pn like it!! mis u ;)
t0 efan,,
subjects killer tue kene study awal2..0hoooo next week ader mid term test d0wh..=(
t0 ayien,,
beli kat my h0met0wn..murah jew..rm10.cun erk?thnx..
j0m p sh0ppg selendang at Jalan TAR!
t0 En Aiman,,
ur new hair cut pun bleh tahan pe..smrt!
sabarla..2mggu lg pjgla sket.
t0 Intaq,,
betui d0h tue.s0pan jew nap0k 0d..ja pun suke! eh,suh r Sedi belikan dress chantek2 kat Jepun tue..die balik dis Feb kan?kat nung sure lagi cun2+ad0rable giler dresess..
mis u2 girl!
makin sweet jaa skrg..
plus makin bhagia..hehe..
tumpang bhagia tgk org bhagia..
orait jaa!!!=)
t0 khairina,,
sume 0rg diberi peluang utk hidup bahagia,,juz kite yg perlu pandai mengaturkannya..;)
t0 Intaq,,
nak jugak!hehe..murah x Shiseid0 c0mpact p0wder kat sn erk?
woot jalella! shopping sje! isk!
tudung itu sangat cantek.
itu saje sy suke tgok =0
t0 tieha,,
urm.sh0pping sket2 jela..kene berjimat d0wh!
t0 izzah,,
0h yeke?thnx.;)
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